I'm sure that's what my little man was thinking when we first introduced eating from a spoon. I mean, after you've had nothing but breastmilk for almost 5 months why ruin a good thing? haha Well we've recently tackled the art of eating real food. Our first few attempts went something like this: I'm supposed to eat what? With what??? (I love this picture...cracks me up)
Okay....in we go..............
Attempt #1...... Oh my....what a face! :-)
Attempt #2 ....and out it goes! haha
Much happier without the cereal & spoon! :-P
This picture will help to explain the next one....notice how he's really trying to fit both of those little hands in his mouth at the same time? Well, next we try some carrots for dinner.......this is the result after a bite of carrots and hands in mouth........
Hmmm....guessing carrots aren't a favorite yet?? haha
I know it looks like I'm painting the poor kid orange! He actually likes carrots now and we now keep extra wet wipes in easy reach!!!
*I have no idea why the beginning of this post is underlined...I've tried to change it and I must not be as smart as the computer because it's not working for me. Of course, the rest of it is fine...go figure! haha
11 years ago
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