I know, I've been slacking lately haven't I? Well, I can only blame it on pregnant brain! lol I seem to forget things as quickly as I think of them...oh yeah, what was this post about? haha Oh yeah, I remember....Ian has been experiencing his first season of soccer! He is having a great time playing soccer and doing much better than he was when they first started. He still has a little trouble "dribbling" but he's learning quickly! We have decided, though, that my baby is no goalie! He has a tendency to strike poses and make faces while playing this position. Of course, we've been undefeated so far this season and have done most of the scoring, so he doesn't have much to defend down there! GO BIG RED!!! I love watching this age group out there playing...they are really entertaining! My pregnant brain has kicked in again and I forget most of the time that I have my camera with me while they're playing, so I'm posting the few pictures that I have managed to snap. Of course, it would be much easier if my youngest little angel, Trevor, would cooperate with us! It seems that as soon as we get to the soccer field, his rebellious streak kicks in. Patiently waiting for the game to start
Bring it on!!! I'm not sure but it looks like he's growling at the other team here!
Trevor once again doing a bit of pouting :-(
Hey!! What are they doing down there??
Two goalies hard at work! :-)
Watching the goal hard, aren't they?? lol
Whoohooo!!! Another point for us!!
End of the game lineup...we're the best!!
11 years ago
Isn't soccer season seem like the coldest of all sports? It does to me. Ian looks like a natural. Our kids don't keep score at this age, so everyone thinks that they won :D
That so cute. I can't wait for my kids to start sports!
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