Well, not too much has been going on around these parts lately....although Ian has finished his first year of school and is fixing to start summer school (tomorrow actually :-) ). I can't believe that he is already a first-grader!! Time really flies when you have little ones. We're all doing great though and I have officially started to "countdown" the weeks until our new little man joins us! 13 weeks and counting....I can't wait! The kids are getting really excited too and Trevor has just recently started to talk to my ever-growing belly....it's sooooo cute and makes my heart melt when he does it.
Well, I have been indirectly "tagged". I don't get to do these little games very often and it's fun to do. It's even more fun to read other blogs and see what everyone else is like too :-) I don't know many people on here, so if you haven't been tagged yet....consider yourself tagged!
1. My children...nothing greater in this world than listening to their laughs, seeing their smiles, and feeling their hugs! :-D
2. My friends and families--yes, families....I belong to the greatest in-laws a girl could ask for too!
3. My husband--we're on our 10th year together and I love him more and more every day.
1. Losing a loved one
2. Not raising my children right.....I think every parent fears they will mess up somewhere along the way, though??
3. Snakes....ewwwww, I can't stand snakes...big, small, not even pictures of them....the best snake is a dead one and I don't even want to see it!!
1. To deliver a healthy baby boy with no complications come August. :-)
2. To eventually finish my degree....I soooo want to finish school!
3. To hopefully purchase our own home again in the next year or so....I have a feeling we're going to need more room before too much longer!
1. I LOVE to read! It drives my husband nutty, I can finish a book in just an hour or two and I'm constantly picking up new books here and there to read.....yeah, I tend to "collect" them too and don't really have room to store them! haha
2. I must admit that I'm a sucker for the computer....I check everyone's blogs every day and if I get an email throughout the day...I have to check it right away. It drives me nuts to let it set in my inbox for too long.
3. I'm a self-proclaimed "packrat" and have collected many things throughout the years. I like to try out new hobbies on occasion too.
Facts about myself
1. I can't sleep at night if my feet are hot....I usually keep them uncovered. A little habit I inherited from my Dad! It drives Donovan crazy! haha
2. I'm more of a "lover" than a "fighter", but I really, really loved learning mixed martial arts from my wonderful husband! It is very empowering to know that you can defend yourself if put in a situation that calls for it. Heaven help anyone that comes between me and my babies...I would give it a new meaning of "momma bear protecting her cubs"!
3. I am way more freaked out by the thought of having to have surgery after the baby is born than by the thought of going through "natural" childbirth again. I'd much rather deal with the pain than go under the knife...even for a simple surgery!!
I promise to post more often!! I really need to get my scanner hooked up...I have some really good pictures that I would like to share with everyone! Maybe that should have been one of my goals?? :-D
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tagged and more......
Posted by Jillian at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
No Bull About it.....
While I was cleaning up my kitchen the other day, the boys had moseyed outside to hangout with their Dad. After a short bit, Ian comes running inside and begs me for the camera...."hmmm, what is going on out there" is what I was thinking. Well, it wasn't long before I had my answer. A few years ago, Donovan had received an authentic leather braided bullwhip as a gift for helping out a friend's parents. While we were living out on the farm, it really did come in handy a few times when we had a renegade bull come charging onto the property. Well, we're no longer out in the deep country, no bulls around here, but Don occasionally likes to take out his whip and practice his "skills". The boys are fascinated by this and I guess they had finally talked their Dad into letting them have a go at it. Not exactly the thing that I would want them to do, but they had a good time trying and no one (luckily) got hurt. Let's just say that they were trying to "trim" my trees. :-D
Look like little pros, don't they?
Posted by Jillian at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Day of Carnival Fun
Well, we finally got to experience our very first school carnival! Ian had been counting down the days until it was at last here. Since Dad had already made "manly" plans for that day..which included an all day trip to the lake for a spot of fishing, I was very relieved to have some much needed help and company for our foray into school carnival fun. Luckily, Aunt Alice, Bailey, and Nanny decided to go with us for Ian's special day and the boys had a blast! They got to go "fishing" in the fish pond (came home with 2 new goldfish for it too!), did the cake walk, lollipop tree, skeet ball, wheel of fortune, and several other fun games. Needless to say, it wore us big girls out! I wish I had a fraction of the energy these two boys have! Mmmmm, lollipops....Trevor & Ian's favorite!!
Frog jumping, anyone??
Ian was cracking us up on the skeetball...he kept throwing it like a baseball...maybe he should try TeeBall next??
Trev got a little help from his Nanny for the frog jump
Trevor's very favorite game....spin the wheel!
Posted by Jillian at 3:28 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A strange error has occurred
I just noticed that for some odd reason my last blog started with the end of my post.....strange. It's kind of confusing there at the beginning...not sure what happened with that one!
Posted by Jillian at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Haircut 101
a special "reward" and dug out my good scissors once again. After 40 minutes and oneWell, it was that time again....time to tackle the daunting task of giving Trevor a haircut. Now, I haven't ever taken any classes for this type of thing, but I must say I think my skills are improving with each haircut that we tackle. I've been cutting my husband's long locks for many years now, but cutting a 3 year old's hair is a different story altogether. Trevor is naturally a squirmer so I've had to battle with him on the sitting still....too bad he's not like his Daddy and doesn't take a nap while he's getting one! haha Well, after Trevor's bath a few nights ago, his Dad happened to comment that Trev's hair was getting a tad long...coming from the man with a ponytail I guess it was getting a little shaggy around the edges. So, I made a trip to the store for strawberry Ring Pop, I finally had him all trimmed up and looking handsome again! Notice the empty Ring Pop holder?? :-)
What a cutie!!!
Posted by Jillian at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I know, I've been slacking lately haven't I? Well, I can only blame it on pregnant brain! lol I seem to forget things as quickly as I think of them...oh yeah, what was this post about? haha Oh yeah, I remember....Ian has been experiencing his first season of soccer! He is having a great time playing soccer and doing much better than he was when they first started. He still has a little trouble "dribbling" but he's learning quickly! We have decided, though, that my baby is no goalie! He has a tendency to strike poses and make faces while playing this position. Of course, we've been undefeated so far this season and have done most of the scoring, so he doesn't have much to defend down there! GO BIG RED!!! I love watching this age group out there playing...they are really entertaining! My pregnant brain has kicked in again and I forget most of the time that I have my camera with me while they're playing, so I'm posting the few pictures that I have managed to snap. Of course, it would be much easier if my youngest little angel, Trevor, would cooperate with us! It seems that as soon as we get to the soccer field, his rebellious streak kicks in. Patiently waiting for the game to start
Bring it on!!! I'm not sure but it looks like he's growling at the other team here!
Trevor once again doing a bit of pouting :-(
Hey!! What are they doing down there??
Two goalies hard at work! :-)
Watching the goal hard, aren't they?? lol
Whoohooo!!! Another point for us!!
End of the game lineup...we're the best!!
Posted by Jillian at 9:28 AM 2 comments