Ok, so, I almost forgot that I had my camera with me on thanksgiving Day. These are the only pictures that I snapped that day. My batteries where almost dead so some of them are a little blurry (it didn't want to focus right). We spent Thanksgiving Day at Aunt Alices' house and the kids got to help Bailey decorate the tree. This is quite an event at Auntie Alices' as it takes two days to put it together and to get it decorated. It's enormous (13ft!!) and absolutely beautiful when it's all done! Pretty crazy when you can put the angel on from the second story! Anyway, poor Bailey was stuck on the ladder, but she had some wonderful helpers on the ground. Here's a few of them working on Aunt Alices' Christmas tree! I think Ian really liked all the different ornaments
11 years ago
That is a gorgeous tree, and so many ornaments, spaced so nicely. My tree is only 7 ft. and the ornaments are still about waist high or lower. Max and Emily get offended if I move them... Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!
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