Well, finally, the sun is shining outside and the lights are back on inside! As many of you know, a nasty little storm system blew through our area a week ago and wreaked all kinds of havoc in it's path. We were fooled at first, thought to ourselves..."it's only raining, why be worried?". About 2 hours after that...off went the power. Good thing we had filled up about 25 bottles of water (boy am I glad I save those pop bottles for recycling!). I proceeded to cover all the windows with blankets in hopes of sealing in a little heat. Luckily we have a little gas heater on our back porch (it's actually a utility room) and it definitely worked overtime for the next 6 days trying to keep us warm. We boxed up all the food from the fridge and stored it in the garage where it was as cold as a meat locker, and dragged out the camp stove and BBQ grill. Had to get a little creative with meals and we ate by candlelight for several nights. Our families were worried about the boys...how will be keep them entertained without lights and TV and all those other things they were used to having? It was no problem whatsoever! We colored pictures by candlelight (which Ian loved!), played dressup in halloween costumes, played cards, made art projects with glitter, glue, and all that fun stuff, played a little pool, and resorted to the portable DVD player when nighttime set in. We got such a kick out of watching the kids play pool. Ian is getting pretty good, even if he likes to setup his own shots, and he was giving his little brother some "lessons" on proper pool playing techniques. During this long 6 days I liked to refer to my home as the "bat cave" and Ian said we were camping at home in our "blanket fort". It was so dark in here that the kids walked around with flashlights all the time even with the dozens of candles burning everywhere. All in all, we know that we can rough it now if needed and we got to spend some real quality time together as a family! I'm happy to say that we have some good memories to carry on of our time in the bat cave!
Trev really liked this black reaper gown
Boy, it was so dark...this is without the flash (and it's the afternoon!)
Ian gives Trevor a lesson on how to hold your cue
Hmmmm, think he was paying attention?? lol
Who needs a cue when you have little hands!
The boys kick back for "movie time" Can you tell he's playing possum?? hah
11 years ago
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