It's amazing how much fun you can purchase for $1 these days. Ian and I made a trip over to the wonderful Dollar Tree where everything is...yep, you guessed it...a dollar! Ian found these cool little water squirters that he just HAD to have. I couldn't argue with him since it sure was hot that day. We came home after picking Trevor up from school and they went to it...for about 2 1/2 hours! They had a blast! I, of course, ran outside with them to catch a few pictures and then back inside to safety! No one and nothing is safe with those two when they are armed with an endless supply of water! It all started out just fine.............
and then POW! Got ya when you weren't looking! haha
Ian didn't mind too much.....but that water sure was cold!
You know what they say about payback.....Ian's revenge at work!
One very wet boy...but it sure was fun getting there!
One very cold and wet Trevor...he wanted hot cocoa and it was 90 degrees outside!
11 years ago
You are so one is safe when these two have water guns....even little tiny ones!!!!!
That looks like fun, now that we are back in hot Oklahoma! I have to comment on your baby shower post. You are really great at those cakes! I love them!
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