It's getting cold outside and very cheery inside! We had a great Thanksgiving this year and the kids got to participate in one of their favorite holiday treats.....trimming the trees!! They got alot of practice this year as they not only helped decorate our tree, but also their Nanny's and Auntie Alice's huge tree! They really look forward to helping decorate when it's Thanksgiving weekend and this year was no exception. I must admit that they are getting pretty good with their ornament placements! We only had to rearrange a few from the lower branches and luckily no ornaments were broken this year. Ian even got crafty and decorated a tree for his bedroom...complete with ribbons, bows, and Disney ornaments! That is the new nightlight for the kiddos in their bedroom at night...they love to gaze at the tree before drifting off. I don't blame them either as it's one of my favorite parts of the holiday season! I love the look of a lit up Christmas pretty! Well, here are a few pics of my kiddos putting their talents to work! Hope you all have a fantastic week! I had to share this picture of my adorable little man...doesn't he have the cutest grin??
Poor Ian got poked in the eye during his decorating...
Trevor was busy with putting the Santa Clausses in just the right spot
Doing such a great job!!
Oh boy...look at all those big ornaments!!
Happily decorating Auntie Alice's big tree
I just thought this was kind of a neat little picture...Nicholas loves to gaze at the tree
Our finished tree...didn't they do a great job?!
This is what Nicholas and I like to look at late at night while we're rocking in my chair....nothing like twinkling tree lights to soothe a cranky baby!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
'Tis The Season
Posted by Jillian at 7:51 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
All I Want For Christmas.....
...Is my two front teeth!! Not me, actually, but Ian has joined the ranks of "toothless" just in time for Christmas! About a week ago he comes home from school begging me to pull his tooth that is loose. Now, I'm not really one for yanking out teeth, but I gave it a shot nonetheless. Unfortunately for Ian, I'm also not very good at it! So, we patiently waited for Dad to come home and take over the task. One good yank was all it took and out popped his first front tooth! Now, Ian wasn't exactly thrilled after this one as you can tell from the pictures, but was much happier the next day with a shiny new "golden" dollar from the tooth fairy. As it happens, we're sitting around trying to eat dinner a few days ago and Ian was really having some difficulty with his corn on the cob.....ah hah!! The other tooth was just waiting patiently for a good yank. So, it was Dad to the rescue again!! Another good yank and out popped the other tooth! Ian now likes to go around and sing "All I Want for Christmas is my two front teeth" and it is so funny to hear him! Trevor didn't want to be left out and wanted a picture of his teeth too!
Not a happy kiddo after that first tooth came out
All it took was 24 hours and a visit from the tooth fairy to cheer him up!
Look at that big ole' toothless grin! He loves seeing what he can fit in the gap now! lol
Posted by Jillian at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
3 Months and Counting
Nicholas is officially 3 months old today!! I can't believe it! It doesn't seem like that much time has gone by. He weighs in at a hefty 15lbs now and has grown 5inches since his first doctor's visit! He is such a sweet baby...he loves to be held and cuddled, gets a big kick out of his big brothers and their crazy antics, loves to talk and laugh at all of us, and is just the best little guy a proud Mommy could ask for! He is finally starting to sleep for longer stretches at night and I'm already having to make a "too small" storage spot for his clothes. We are so blessed to have 3 healthy, happy, and loving children. Here are some pictures of our wonderful kiddos! This is usually what happens anytime I try to take a picture of the 3 of them at the same time....Each of them does their own thing :-D
Attempt #2...or was it 10? haha
Trevor loves to be close to Nicholas....all the time in fact!
Nicky gets a big kick out of Ian. They have a great time talking to each other :-)
A very rare sweet moment with Trevor and Nicholas
I had to show one of Nicholas and his biggest brother who holds and kisses him every chance he gets!
This is what I like to call his "Mommy save me" look...Trevor is constantly hugging, kissing, or trying to lay on him.
Just took this one yesterday! He is getting so big now :-(
I love his little toothless grin and double chins! He is such a sweet baby!
Posted by Jillian at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Time to Catch Up!
I must apologize for my blogging lately...actually the lack of it! So, I'm combining a few things into this one post. Since my last post we've been through Halloween parties, family get-togethers, and a few missing teeth. We had a great Halloween...Ian was a ninja (no surprise there! ahaha), Trevor was supposed to be a "bone guy" but at the last minute he changed his mind and wanted to wear a scary pumpkin mask instead of his original one, and Nicholas was our sweet sleepy little puppy. We went to the Halloween party at school and yay!! we made it through it without any troubles from my very ornery Trevor. Later that week we made a trip to see Mammy & GrandDad to do some more trick-or-treating and we get to see a hot air balloon go right over the top of Mom's house! It was so neat, we could hear it and watched it for a long time. I was hoping it would land across the road so we could take the kids to look at it. Trevor is the one who spotted it and came running to tell us there was a balloon about to crash into Mammy's house! hehe We have also had a few visits from the tooth fairy recently. Last week Ian lost his first front tooth! He looks so cute with his toothless grin. I have taught him the "All I Want for Christmas is my 2 Front teeth" song and he sings it to us....alot! Well, I am going to strive for a post a day for the next few days, so stay tuned for more updates! One very cute kiddo!
Notice the big ole' hole in the front!! :-)
Trevor loved getting to hang out with the big kids during the Halloween party at school.
Ian and his friend, Ben the Banana :-)
Getting into Ninja mode...
One very scary Pumpkin head.....Trevor did not want me to take his picture and this was the only one I was able to catch of him.
Nicholas wasn't too hip on candy..he was too busy sleeping!
GrandDad taking the kiddos for a ride around the place in the golf cart
Mammy soaking up some Nicholas lovin'.....notice how far off the ground we are! Their new deck is like being in a big treehouse...16ft off the ground! Very cool!
I was able to catch a pic of the hot air balloon as it crossed over the trees...this was right across the road from Mom's.
Posted by Jillian at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin Carving 101
Yay!! It's finally that time again...the time for trick-or-treating, jack-0-lanterns, and best of all...candy!!! What better way to mark the season than to carve a good pumpkin...or three! Yep, this year we used our creative skills on not one, but 3 pumpkins! The kids each wanted one for themselves, so we dug through the piles of pumpkins and found what Ian deemed as "perfect" pumpkins. The boys love to give us ideas on how to make the faces and their all time favorite part is scooping out the "guts". Well, they had plenty of guts to scoop this year! Ian also decided that he needed to save all the seeds...not for roasting, but for planting. He wants to grow some pumpkins for next year! What a fun idea and one that they will definitely get involved in! Here is our Jack-o-lanterns that will grace our front porch this Halloween night! Hope everyone has fun, happy, and safe Halloween!! Nicholas thinks pumpkins are neat too!!
My little "poser" getting ready to clean his pumpkin
Trevor wanted to "stir" the pumpkins :-)
Nothing more fun than scooping out a pumpkin!
While pumpkins are fun to carve, they leave a funny smell....Ian's face says it all!! haha
Donovan's first creation...he deemed this one "Ichabod's fate" :-)
This was my creation although I had some help from Donovan...Nicholas wasn't too hip on Mommy carving pumpkins this year!
Last but not least....Ian's creation...the "OOHHHHh" pumpkin
Our masterpieces all lined up and glowing away!
Posted by Jillian at 7:28 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Leaves are Falling...
Which means it has to be Maple Leaf Festival time!! Yep, last weekend was the yearly Maple Leaf Festival in Carthage and we decided to brave the thousands of people that flock to it and took the boys to the parade! The Maple Leaf parade is very long, it's usually cold or raining, and there are literally thousands of people lined on the streets to catch the action. It's great! This year was absolutely beautiful weather for the parade. After walking many blocks, we finally found a good spot to watch from. Ian and Trevor loved it! Trevor could usually be found with his hands over his ears because he thought it was loud. But, when the bands would get close, the hands came down and his little booty would start shaking. He just couldn't resist the music! haha Must be the drummer in him! Ian was content to catch the candy being thrown at us, not to mention he had to taste-test it too! Nicholas was perfectly content sleeping the morning away....despite the bands, the people, the horns, and everything else. After the parade, we went to the car show (which was immensely cool) and then back to the square for a little carnival fun. We all had a great day and are looking forward to doing it all over again next year! Nicholas peacefully snoozing away
Catching candy by the roadside is always good fun!
I'm a dancin' machine!!
Catching the parade from the best seat on the side of the road...Daddy's tall shoulders!
Lollipops for breakfast, anyone??
The tower was the only way to get to the top of the big slide!
Ian braved it and made it in record time!
What a great day we had!!
It made me very sleepy :-)
Posted by Jillian at 7:36 AM 0 comments