Well, Nicholas is officially 2 weeks old now! I can't believe he's been with us for two weeks! Of course, when your nights and days all blend into one, it's easy to miss the time flying by. I took Nicholas to his first doctor's appointment on Wednesday and he passed with flying colors. He has gained back the weight he lost and has surpassed his birth weight. He weighed in at 7lbs. 13oz and measured in at 21 inches! I guess all that eating he's been doing is doing it's job! haha He is finally starting to fit into his clothes and is starting to get little rolls on his legs and arms...so cute!! In the short time that he's been here, I've found out a few facts about little Nicky: he really likes to eat....constantly....about every hour or less at times, he really only likes to sleep in the mornings when Mom can't sleep with him, he LOVES to have his hair washed but hates to have a bath, he doesn't like to have his diaper changed and will protest quite loudly at times over us bugging him with this chore, he snores while sleeping and snorts when he's really hungry (sounds like a little piglet at times..haha) and overall.....he's just the sweetest, most kissable, huggable, loveable baby and we all love him to pieces! Here are a few pictures that I snapped of my little man this week....He is changing so fast!! Snoozing in the swing
Yay!! I can see an eye!
My little spike-haired blondie
What a sweet little face
Awww, snoozing with Daddy.....:-)
11 years ago
What a sweetie! I am sure you are soaking up all you can!
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